TUNE IN NEXT WEEK FOR: The Silent Treatment, Parts One & Two and Ten Ways To Not Say Anything To A Cat!
1. This, hypothetically, would be because the badger was operating primarily on scent-related data and the victim may (or may not) have been wearing an article or two of clothing belonging to someone other than himself/herself, who might (or might not) have been in some sort of pseudo-drug trafficking/gun running altercation with the previously mentioned badger, three rather beefy looking groundhogs, and, allegedly, at least one well armed beaver. Helpful note: It is highly recommended by hospital staff and/or lawyers that the badger, if still attached, be decommissioned prior to entering the emergency room waiting area.
2. For this statement the author was not required to prove that he could recall all 22 pseudonym and password combinations to the degree that such accounts could be accessed. He was taken at his word that given a few days, he could work it out. Plus we concede that there could be as many as a dozen additional blog accounts that he can not recall at the moment.
3. The Moon, in my opinion, is the sexiest of all the planets. Conversely, I think the sun is the least sexy of all the light bulbs. I mean, great big lollipops people, can't we find a more efficient light source? Do you have any idea the sort of electric bill that thing causes.
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