Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Piscine intellect

So, at the beginning of the summer, I built my mother a garden pond complete with a waterfall and stream, right? (I'm such a good boy). Shortly thereafter we bought a half dozen tiny little goldfish (maybe an inch and a half long). Of the original half dozen, only two have survived the whole summer but have grown to a staggering 6+ inches long already. I was able to train them to come to me for feeding time very easily in a matter of three or four days. Having observed them for the whole summer though, I have been very surprised at how seemingly intelligent they are; how quickly they seem to learn new things. And these are not exceptional fish bred to perform circus tricks either. These are the common 28 cents each Wal-Mart variety goldfish. So, if you would like to help me decide what I should train them to do next, please take the accompanying survey on this page. And for those of you who don't believe goldfish can be trained, I am including the following video that should set you straight.


Anonymous said...

he is like, the fish whisperer!

embreeyo said...

I have trained the Koi fish at the Botanical Gardens to eat my spit. They are some bright mother fuckers.

P.S. In order to post this comment I had to type in wukjaup. I think that's my new form of martial arts I will start marketing with Chuck Freaking Norris.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ohh yeaaah, well, i have trained the piranhas at the n.y. aquarium to become vegetarians. they are now marketing this diet all over the world. i have cured fish obesity.

Anonymous said...

and that was my deleted comment above.

Anonymous said...

i am very disappointed to see that there are no counter-claims in this "who's who of fish training" war.