Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sense and Senseless Ability

"Is a funny thing, life. No one is getting to choose to be born. Is just poof! and there you are. After a while you are feeling pretty stupid if you are just sitting around like a lump fruit. So you go out into the world to discover all of its icy horrors. But just when you are getting used to the disappointments, you get bit by Armand there behind the elephants and you have a whole new set of troubles. But I get ahead of myself. What I mean is, life is strange, no?"  --  Mihal, the vampire whose fangs didn't grow in, from Flying Backwards, an unpublished script.

My cell phone just rang and I ran to get it because I thought it might be somebody. But it wasn't. It was a wrong number. 

Like eleventeen.

The suffixes "-ure" and "-ive" have very similar definitions. For example, the word "capture" refers to the actual catching of something, while the word "captive" refers to the one who has been caught.

Interestingly enough, in the picture above, I have drawn a strange creative, not a strange creature.

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